Website designers are spending a lot of money and time making their sites better for search engines and getting more traffic to their site but they are forgetting to make their site better for conversion rates as well.
One of the better web design tips for better conversion is to offer various payment options to your customers. Not everyone has a credit card these days, especially the elderly. You can offer credit cards as a form of payment but you can also offer other forms of payment such as PayPal, check or debit card. There are a lot of people who use PayPal nowadays so offering this as a form of payment may give you an edge over your competitors.
Be sure that your shopping cart is easily seen to your customers. You don’t want them to have to look around to find their cart when they are ready to checkout. If that’s the case, they will just purchase their items at another site. So at each page that a customer goes through for the checkout process, you should have their shopping cart visible with the number of items in their cart and the current amount. When the customer is done shopping, their shopping cart is right in front of them and it makes the checkout process easier.
Take away all distractions from the checkout page. You do not need sidebars on a checkout page. You do not need to sell additional items on the checkout page either. A one page checkout has the highest conversion rate.
This article was submitted by Tony Petros of Web Design Express. Web Design Express offers affordable web design, blog design and ecommerce website design services.